Sunday, March 22, 2015

Amnesty Testimonies in Congress : Frightening Facts From Heritage

Heritage is always on the front line explaining circumstances that are creating problems for our country. Better yet, their history for telling the truth is excellent, much like the history for Rush Limbaugh. He is tracked by a nonpartisan organization and they show him at 99.7% of the time tells the truth.

Here Heritage explains before a congressional committee just how corrupt this amnesty executive order of Mr Obamas really is and how it will impact our country for decades. Heritage has no reason, motive to lie.

But did you ever wonder why the progressive socialist liberal democrats hate Limbaugh and fear the Heritage Foundation? Wonder no longer. The truth matters. Democrats hate the truth as it conflicts with their agenda and ideology of suppression of an individuals freedom to chose.

Remember Nancy Pelosi,when confronted by the truth while listening to Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking before congress brought her to tears? Know the truth and it will set you free - but not for Pelosi, she is in the prison of liberalism and there is little or no hope for escape.

 If the people have the freedom to chose their own path for prosperity, they won't chose to be controlled.

I wonder what this nonpartisan organization would find if they tracked major media outlets on a daily basis like they do Limbaugh?

And even given the known track record of the lettered channels on television, and nearly all of the printed media, that even the most dim among us can easily understand the blatant misinformation that bombards us on a daily basis from these 'news' organizations, little wonder FOX is the most watched channel on TV if you want the truth, or at least as close as anyone can expect from major media. 

Goodness, you know it's bad that even many liberal democrats confess they watch FOX so they can find out what is going on in our country and around the world. It's obvious they believe the rest of the media is infested with  partisan agendas and cannot be trusted to tell us the truth.

And if that's not bad enough, our Constitution protects these individuals and organizations while they lie to us.

Disturbing numbers in Heritage expert's testimony on amnesty

by Maureen Collins
Heritage expert Robert Rector testified in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee this week about the real cost to taxpayers of President Obama’s unilateral amnesty (link in PDF):
Illegal immigrants, as a group, historically have received around $2.50 in total government benefits for every $1.00 in taxes paid. The resulting fiscal burden has been limited because they are barred from receiving Social Security, Medicare and most means-tested welfare.
The Obama executive action removes that bar, granting a large portion of illegal immigrants full access to Social Security and Medicare and increased access to means-tested welfare. This will substantially increase the already vast burden on U.S.taxpayers
Rector has calculated how much the average beneficiary of the amnesty, known as Deferred Action for Parents of U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents, or DAPA, will receive from federal entitlement and welfare programs. He found some startling answers. Rush Limbaugh even cited some of these figures on his show.

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