Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Government Shut Down : Freedom At Last

I believe this is a prevailing view of the 'new norm' among those of us that are awake and able to make decisions based on reality rather then a 'hope and change' fantasy.

But how foolish is that considering fantasy and 'hope and change' trumpt  reality and won two election. Well, Santa Clause had a lot to do with it as well, but still it bodes poorly for the future.

The status of the public that relies on individual freedom and independent thought, it seems, have been characterized by the progressive socialists as 'enemies of the state' and therefore must be "identified, isolated and demonized." This from the thoughts of Saul Alinsky's book 'Rules for Radicals" which the socialist left Democrats use as their bible for population control.

If you find this a little over the top, remember what happened at the IRS, NSA, DOJ and other federal agencies is not by accident, this is by design. The progressives have turned the entire government against the people.

The progressive socialists liberal left Democrats believe they have had a window of opportunity for the last five years to finally, and once and for all, eliminated all opposition to their agenda of, as Mr Obama stated, "fundamentally" changing America from a representative democracy to socialist theocracy, and with only 3 years left of Mr Obama's term, the pressure is on to cement their agenda for generations to come. There is no limit to what they will do to win. Remember the slogan they live by is 'by any means necessary' and with all of the revelations that have come to pass, they mean to do exactly what they say.

The next two elections will determine if our country will look like what our forefather had envisioned when they conceived our Constitution, or one that is based on fear and intimidation of an over reaching and all powerful government. It's up to us to make that determination.

As the phrase on my title page states " freedom means having nothing else to lose". If individual freedom isn't that important, then vote for more Democrats. I promise, you will get exactly what you voted for.

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