Saturday, August 17, 2013

Obama Deicates Private Osprey Aircraft for Bo - His Dog!!

Washington UpdateI wonder how many 'low information' voters know about this and if they did, what impart did it have on their thinking concerning Mr Obama and his ideology of 'change'?

Does this seem excessive? Do have any idea what it costs to operated this aircraft?

Obamas on vacation. Congress isn't the only branch of government on vacation. The President and his family are spending their August vacation (and $7.6 million) at Martha's Vineyard eating fried shrimp, fried oysters, onion rings, and French fries. Interesting historical note: Bo, the Obama family dog, was flown to Martha's Vineyard in a new Osprey MV-22 aircraft, the first time such an aircraft has been used in support of a Presidential flight. The Osprey is a tilt-rotor aircraft that has both the vertical lift of a helicopter and the range of a conventional fixed wing airplane.

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