Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Progressives Stonewall on Benghazi : Hillary/Obama Neglignet

Puzzling? Liberal Democrats stonewalling murder investigation? Not really. The Obama administration will always have a free pass to do anything it wants without having to take responsibility, and this isn't anything new. Remember Ted Kennedy and Chappaquiddick? That was negligent homicide but he got a free pass. It didn't matter as he was a prominent Democrat and a Kennedy. And how about the Vincent Foster suicide during the Clinton administration?

But wait there's more, now Hillary is in the hospital with a blood clot as a result from a fall and concussion. A doctor has stated this as a fact. Interesting how we will believe a doctor as a credible source of information just as we do a judge. But the problem is why would a doctor not side with progressives as judges do when the progressive agenda comes under question?

So whether it's fraud, out right lies or negligent homicide, progressive socialist liberal Democrats get a free pass. Here we can use Hillary's comment about the Afghan surge proposed by General Patraeus, she said to accept this proposal as workable, we have to have "a willing suspension of disbelief"

Return of the Credibility Gap
Mona Charen (Town Hall)

Lyndon Johnson, step aside. Barack Obama is far more deserving than you ever were of the term "credibility gap."

The latest Benghazi lie to crumble like a cigar ash was the assurance from White House spokesman Jay Carney that four State department employees had been fired for their mishandling of the situation following an internal report that found security to have been "grossly inadequate." On Dec. 20, Carney told reporters "Accountability has been brought to bear with regard to four individuals, who are very senior." Major news organizations reported that Eric Boswell, assistant secretary of state in charge of security, had resigned along with three others.

Less than a week later, the New York Post revealed that Boswell wasn't actually leaving at all. He had resigned his post as assistant secretary, a spokesman explained, but would continue his other duties at state. As for the other three, they were found to have "performance inadequacies" but not "willful misconduct" and would therefore face no discipline.
So, one official changed desks, and the rest remained in place. That's accountability Obama-style. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and other major news outlets have not bothered to report this.

The secretary of state, who on Oct. 15 made the utterly vaporous and content-free claim of "responsibility" for the Benghazi debacle (but chose not to speak for her department on Sept. 16 when the president needed someone to do the rounds of the Sunday talk shows), was at last scheduled to testify before Congress on Dec. 20. Her health problems have sidelined her for now. Whether she will testify in January remains an open question. Republican senators have vowed not to confirm John Kerry until she testifies. But if her health remains fragile, Republicans will be portrayed as brutal for insisting. Bed-side testimony anyone?

Meanwhile, President Obama's great billowing smoke machine chugs on. Appearing on "Meet the Press" on Dec. 30, the president again expressed anger that questions had been asked of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. Characterizing reasonable inquiries about the deaths of Americans as "politically motivated attacks," the president insinuated a racial animus. "Why she was targeted individually for this kind of attack was puzzling to me." She, of all members of his administration, he stressed "had the least to do with Benghazi."

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