Wednesday, January 16, 2013

EPA Moves On Wood Burners : It Just Feels Right

The EPA is on the march again with more regulations and restrictions for everything that moves or even looks like it might.

Remember how a lot of people complained, and still are, about the cost of gasoline, LP and natural gas even though the supply is going up? Does anyone remember trying to get a loan to start a new business or remodel their house or business?

Who out in the trenches believes that their personal freedoms are greater now then they were 4 years ago?

Please explain how we are better off now under the boot of Mr Obama then 8 years of Mr Bush, no matter what condition you can think of, and who exactly voted last November to make sure what freedoms that we do have left are taken away by this Marxist progressive socialist liberal Democrat government now in power and growing.

Who voted for this? Who didn't vote at all? Who didn't understand our country is at risk? Can it be that a majority of the population is ready and willing to give up their personal freedom for dependence and poverty?

(Author Unknown)
From the people who brought you cash-for-clunkers... we now have zip-for-scrap.
Last month, the EPA issued new clean-air regulations. It cuts by 20% the allowable amount of soot coming from smokestacks, diesel trucks... even woodstoves.
No, the current wood stove you have in your cabin is OK. But if you buy a new one, it must comply with the new regulations. And you can't sell the old stove.
"Replacing an older stove with a cleaner-burning stove will not improve air quality if the older stove is reused somewhere else," explains a not-so-helpful FAQ at the EPA website. "For this reason, wood stove changeout programs usually require older stoves to be destroyed and recycled as scrap metal, or rendered inoperable."
Actual artwork from an actual EPA brochure
"Rendered inoperable"? Will dumping sodium silicate into an old woodstove do the job the way it did with old car engines?
"Let's hope this doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the newly created Department of Homeland Security Environmental Justice Units," suggests Rob Richardson at a site called Off Grid Survival. "The next thing you know we might all be getting a knock at the door. 'Your neighbor reported that you might be burning some wood, do you mind if we take a look around?'"

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