Sunday, January 06, 2013

Economists & Politicians Predict Positive Outcomes : What?

I'm confused - with the potential of a European collapse and another down grade to the credit rating of the United Sates possible, how can the talking heads believe that the economy and over all situation will improve dramatically in 2013?

The housing market is still burden with under water mortgages, banks still have a huge inventory of foreclosures that they haven't unloaded, foreign markets are headed to a sever slow down that depend on the Euro, China is headed to a currency shift and a slow down in market expansion as well as a huge problem with pollution which will effect it's work force with health problems.

Americans are in a state of confusion as well, they are divided between what they know to be reality, a reality that they are actually living, low wages rates, higher taxes, costly health care, rising energy and food costs and a future that promises little or now change.

The new reality they see on television, coming from Washington and the progressive media, spells out only doom and gloom for the next four years at least. How can the average citizen make plans for the future if they believe their personal existence is under attack from the forces in Washington that wants to control all aspect of their lives?

Some of the confusion comes with the new sources of information. In the past, with only the major networks as news sources explaining what is happening with the economy and the world, the average citizen had no choice but to believe what the major media outlets told them. Now, with alternative media outlets, everything has changed. All of a sudden the average citizen finds that what they have been told for decades might not be the truth but managed news to project an agenda that is counter to what a majority of the population believes.

Little wonder then why the population is in flux - an economy faltering but some say it's actually on the rise, our religious beliefs under attack from many sources, environmentalists demanding we are destroying the planet and completely change the way we live our lives, but new revelations from many sources say this is not so and prove it with statements from the very sources that the environmentalist use to support their agenda and a foreign policy that runs counter to what has made this country great for the last two centuries are only a few of the reasons that divide us so dramatically.

What is a person suppose to believe as the best course of action for the future when everything that we once believed to be true suddenly has come under attack? Not to worry, this is America and we not like any other country on earth. We know what to do. What we have to do is convince others all is not lost and fight on. 

What I know to be the truth is we are living in the greatest country on earth, and the people that built it are still among us today. It's their spirit and power, and the will of God, to survive in a wilderness that will pull us through. A spirit that will never give up but will find a way to rebuild our country with renewed energy and resourcefulness. We must believe in what we know to be the truth or we will surely parish. 

Another Ho-Hum Year for the Economy Likely in 2013
January 4, 2013
Source: Kevin G. Hall, "Another Ho-Hum Year for the Economy Likely in 2013," McClatchy, December 31,

For the third year in a row, economists are only slightly more optimistic about the prospects for economic growth and hiring, says McClatchy.
  • The Federal Reserve expected growth between 2.3 percent to 3 percent in its December 12 New Year forecast.
  • However, it now expects 2012 to close with annual growth no better than 1.8 percent.
Several factors, including ongoing debt problems in Europe, unsteady growth in developing nations and political uncertainty in the United States, all add to the cautious optimism about the economy. In addition, many lawmakers have expressed interest in revamping the tax code, which may add to the uncertainty.

As a result, many individuals and businesses have sidelined investments. In addition, many companies have halted hiring new employees.

There is some good news. Many economists expect 2013 to begin with modest growth but then accelerate as the year ends. Furthermore, stocks are likely to go up even if there is slow growth.
  • Through December 27, the Dow was up 7.2 percent for 2012.
  • Additionally, the S&P 500 was up 12.8 percent.
  • In general, stocks should return 9 percent to 16 percent on investment.
In addition, the housing market is also projected to perform well this year. There have been gains in new and existing homes across several regions in the country. And if the housing market performs well, the overall U.S. economy will see above-trend growth.

Global equity markets will continue to perform as they have in 2013. The biggest dangers in the following year are potential geopolitical conflicts because of the impact they can have on U.S. corporations. For example, rising Middle East tensions and conflicts in the South China Sea can impact trade and production of many vital goods and services.
Source: Kevin G. Hall, "Another Ho-Hum Year for the Economy Likely in 2013," McClatchy, December 31,

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