Sunday, January 13, 2013

Benghazi Murders Slide Into Oblivion : Progressives Move On

Do you remember this picture?  How does it make you feel that it doesn't seem matter how and why this man and his friends died? It makes me sick to my stomach that it might be what this country has become.

 Does it matter at all that many in our government, to this day, have not taken responsibility. Who exactly is in charge when things go wrong? Can the people of this country accept the fact that when one man says he doesn't want to deal with a problem anymore, just make it go away, and it does, the citizens of this great nation just say okay, and that's that? Done. Is it really that easy to make such events as murder irrelevant?

What's happened to the Congressional  investigation into the murder of our ambassador and three other people in Benghazi?  Is it all okay because progressive socialist Democrats are in power? Would the press, the main stream media, have decided to not report on this had George W Bush and the Republicans be in power?

 And just how will the progressive socialist Democrats answer the questions from House Republicans when they, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and others, are under the gun to explain why they decided that the death of this man made more sense to the reelection campaign of a sitting president then it did to take action to save his life?

Please explain how this has been allowed to be shoved under the rug of partisan politics? The Secretary of State and the President of the United States are directly involved in this nightmare, but still it doesn't seem to matter as witnessed by the reelection of the man in charge of this catastrophic event as well as those that surround him. 

What has gone so fundamentally wrong with our country when we just don't seem to care anymore about right and wrong? Hasn't enough time gone by now that some sort of justice should been brought to bear on those responsible for the lack of moral courage in the face of events that identify who we are and what we stand for as a nation? 

Is it really that easy for so many in this country to just turn away and go about business as usual after seeing this picture and the horror that this man must gone through knowing that nobody that he relied on for his safety didn't give a dam whether he lived or died? That it was more prudent to the reelection campaign to not send in help as it would have reflect badly on the established foreign policy agenda which was apparently more important then life itself.

Dear Lord God in heaven, what has happened to our country? Soulless? Morally corrupt? Mentally lazy? Fearfully ignorant? Has this become the 'new norm' for America? I pray that this is not so.

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