Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hillary Positions Her Agneda Ahead of Security

Here is a good one for all to see and understand - Hillary really doesn't care that the four were murdered because of a catastrophic state department failure, of which she is in charge, it's important that the nation understands that the deaths of just four people isn't really important as against the prospects of her running for president and that she needs a clean slate to do so.

Realistically, she doesn't need a clean slate as the media and a majority of voters in the country really don't care what she did in the past, witness Mr Obama's past history didn't effect his first or second election as no one ever knew what his past was, and maybe worse, didn't care. Mrs Clinton will be nominated by the Democrat party on the first ballot.

As horrific as this seems, given the complete failure on all levels of government that is the Obama administration, it's the sign of the times, the new norm, take more from the productive to give to the unproductive. It just seems fair that way.

And after the entire system collapses due to 12 years of progressive socialists, Obama and then Hillary in the big office, the majority, as was the cries from the electorate last November, as to why we are in this mess in the first place, it will still be the old play book stand by, that dam Bush!

Believe, the progressive socialist Democrats will never take responsibility for anything they do, they will always have a 'strawman' ready in the wings to roll out to cover the failures. If it's not Bush it will be the Republican party, Christian zealots or what ever the progressive can make stick in the public's minds

 Sadly, the 'low information' public, the distracted and the ignorant buy into this strawman flim flam ruse every time. With nearly the entire main stream media that support the progressives, managed news becomes the back bone of the strawman and the order of the day. The idea of individual thought for decision making is lost. It's just too easy to go with the flow; to get along, go along.

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