Friday, March 03, 2006

Liberals Still Spinning Katrina

As predicted, the media and the intellectually challenged Democrats smell blood on the water of this katrina tape thing with President Bush discussing the levees before, and after the storm.

When you view the tapes there's nothing there to cause such a rush to cut someone's throat. It's just another chance for the liberals to try and discredit or destroy the President.

The tape that shows Gov. Blanco of Louisiana assuring President Bush that she believes the levees are okay, when in fact they weren't, hasn't made the evening news. 'Let's not look at all of the tapes, we just want to highlight the parts that we can spin to our advantage'. Go figure!

Do these tapes reveal anything new that hasn't been discussed before? No. Do we know that the federal government needs to reorganize FEMA to be able to handle catastrophe disaster? Yes.

I still find it interesting that when the congressional hearings were held on what happened along the coast and what all levels of government have to do to come up to speed, the governors of Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Texas all said they had no problem with FEMA. Where is Louisiana in this report? Sorry, don't you know, it's not there fault. they're Democrats - we can't expect them to take care of themselves.

According to the rules that the governors stated in the hearing, the individual states are responsible for their own recovery for the first 72 hours. Governor Bush said he has never had a problem with FEMA, and who else would know how FEMA works better than the governor of a state that has more natural disasters than other state?

Louisiana, of course, was a complete disaster - the problem was, and is, 60 years of the Democrats running the show. Billions that were spent on the area to improve the levees was some how misplaced. Well dah! Blanco and Nagin have no clue why their state government, at all levels, is totally incompetent. Talk about a cult of corruption! Hey, chill-out - cut them some slack - they're Democrats.

Ray Nagin, in typical form, is pulling out all the stops now to shift the blame for his total incompetence in not implementing the emergency disaster evacuation plan that would have saved hundreds of lives, to the failure of the federal government. He feels he can hide behind the liberal press that, up to now, has given him and Blanco a pass on the disaster. Liberals cover for each other. It's part of the criminal code of honor.

Remember the pirate philosophy and see if there is any similarities to Louisiana and the liberal Democrats. I think it's a perfect fit.

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