Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Decisions Without Information

It's interesting to note how one views a situation before any facts are known about it. It's like the DP port management mess, everyone knew what the answer was to this situation, but very few knew what the question was.

My left eye went on a rampage last Friday. It felt swollen and I had all kinds of debris floating around in it that wasn't there before, and I had light flashes at the outer edges, even in the dark. To say I was concerned is putting it mildly.

I called for an appointment as soon as I could Monday morning when it didn't seem to be getting any better. In fact it seemed to be getting worst as my vision started to blur from millions of small black dots that were floated around in front of the eye.

The optometrist said it sounded like a detached retina and it would be advisable to get in for a check right away. he thought Wednesday would be soon enough -

In my mind, I knew this required immediate attention but he said it will be fine to come in on Wednesday. All I could say was okay, but I had that sinking feeling all was not well and I would probably go blind by the end of the day.

I didn't sleep very well all week end and Monday night was worse. All I could think about on Tuesday was I going to loose the sight in my left eye. I sat down and tried to imagine how I would have to change the way I live and the activities that I would have to give up due to not having any depth perception, or very little.

One of the worst things was I would have to give up bike racing for sure. It's bad enough with two eyes trying to adjust my position among sixty other riders at 25 mph. With one eye, it would almost be impossible, if not catastrophic.

I thought driving a car would very difficult in heavy traffic. I tried this while driving to the doctors office today, and it was no fun. But I thought I will have to adjust to what ever the outcome is.

Well, after the exam the doctor said it's no big deal. Everything looked fine. It's all routine stuff, not to worry. He scheduled an appointment for a retina specialist for Thursday morning to have it burned back together with a laser. It's out patient surgery. The eye should be just fine after recovery which would take several days. The spots might take longer as the eye has to reabsorb them. The spots are cells that erupted in the eye when the retina ripped loose.

So, all that worry for nothing. I didn't have enough information to make good decisions but yet I came to some conclusions that keep me from sleep and caused personality changes that weren't mature. I was jerk. It was a stressful four days.

The port deal was much the same. Most people took upon themselves to demand results about a situations that was totally out of their realm of influence or comprehension. Congress was no better but yet they saw it as an opportunity to get some camera time and make the President look bad.

In hind sight, Congress really didn't know what was going but the President did. What's new about this picture. He said "Trust me on this", the UAE are experts all over the world. The media elites and the liberal Democrats just laughed. The left coast elites saw this as another chance to bring America to it's knees.

We all know the final out come, Congress looked like a pack of fools, but what's worse, the Congress is no smarter now than they were before, and they are not likely to be, as now they are back to bashing the President on the NSA intercepts and the war on terror.

When ignorance is bliss, it's folly to be wise.

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