Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Who are They - Really?

It appears that Howard Dean has, once and for all, lead the Democratic Party down the renowned 'old garden path' to obscurity. I don't know how much more abuse the Democrats can take before someone steps forward to take control of the party away from this mad man. Maybe I should say how much abuse can this country take from the liberal Democrats before someone takes upon themselves, from the party leadership, to say this is not who we are.

Howard Dean is completely out of touch with reality. His statements are driven by the liberal agenda that has demanded America surrender it's leadership in the world, it's super power status and it destiny to stand as a beacon of freedom and democracy.

It has become clear to me that the liberal Democrats have decided to help the terrorist defeat this country in the war on terror. Case in point, how many Democrats have come out and said that Ramsey Clark is wrong headed in offering his services to defend Saddam? How among the elite Democrats have denounced his actions as un-American in the light of what this mass murder has done to his people and others? How many of these elites came out against the hateful things that Cindy Sheehan said about this country and the President? ZERO! NONE! Why do they cheer for Howard Dean?

How many thought what Murtha said was on the mark? What about the horrible things that Reid, Schumer, Durbin, Kennedy, leahy and many others have gone on the record, in congress, in front of the world, and denounced this country as evil and the source of everything that is bad. How much more proof does one need to hear before they can say that these people are not on our side in this war? We are at war, remember?

John McCain is another example of how a grab for power can twist one's better judgment. His amendment on torture is so off base, that according to legal experts, it would give constitutional rights to the terrorists that are captured by our forces in this conflict. Maybe it isn't a surprise that he would do that seeing how the McCain/Feingold campaign finance law actually restricts freedom of speech. Is that in our best interest?

It is said that the liberal Democrats really believe that we can't win this war. I believe that is wrong. I believe that the Democrats and their liberal puppet masters know that we are winning this war and that it will be a launch pad for the Republicans to further their hold on the Senate and the legislature in 2006 and the Presidency in 2008. National security is still the key element for the voting public. It is a fact, right now the people do not trust the Democrats to keep them secure.

Democrats have to show that the Republicans were wrong on going to war in Iraq and do it any cost. It has nothing to do with pride or country, it about power - pure and simple.

It makes sense then, it is in the best interests of the Democrats to see the terrorist drive us out of Iraq so the the liberal Democrats can say it was all wrong, we said all along that is was a mistake. WE WERE RIGHT! BUSH LIED TO YOU! VOTE FOR US! That their actions puts this country at risk, means nothing. They do not care!! They can not be Americans and actively condemn this country to defeat in a time of war.

And when the next attack strikes the United States, it will be George Bush's fault and the war mongering Republicans. The tune that the puppet masters will have the Democrats dance to will be " if we would have just stayed home and talked this thing through, we wouldn't be in this mess now, but you wouldn't listen to us".

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