Monday, December 26, 2005

Fighting for Christmas?

Did you ever think that the day would come when the word Christmas couldn't be used in a public forum like schools or government buildings? Is it possible that there is enough people in this country that would sit back a let that happen? I never thought so either but I am beginning to believe it could happen now.

Fortunately, for all of us Christians, there are groups that have sprung up to combat this surge of secularism brought on by the liberal Democrats and their far left Marxist friends in the party and the main stream media.

The liberal left socialists in this country are convinced that if they can separate enough people from their religion, especially the Christians, the dominate religion in this country, they can change the way we live as a country. Since they are godless creatures themselves, they can use those that gave up their god, for the security of government, to regain the power they need to control those that refused to give up their religious life. Can't happen here? Think again.

The technique is simple. Christians have for centuries relied on their God to guide them in good times and bad. The God of Israel has been the fortress of millions since He walked this earth over two thousand years ago. The Bible is the most popular book ever printed. It is the tour de force upon which the entire Christian religion is based.

The secularists believe that big government is all that is needed for people to survive. A big benevolent brother and sister that will be all things to all people. All you have to do is give up your God of Israeli for the warm embrace of a socialist institution that will take of you from birth to the grave. An institution that will be run by the kind of people that we see today on the news like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi. They believe they have all of the intelligence that you need to run your life. You won't need a God to guide you.

It makes sense why the liberal left wants to separate you from any form of religion. They want you to be an empty vessel that can be filled with what ever they deem necessary for their needs.

A Marxist believes that if you have no guiding philosophy in your life, like a compassionate God, you will need something in it's place for you to turn to for answers to all of your problems. That is, a guiding hand to shape your future and maximize your productivity for the good of the whole country. An intelligence greater than yours to show you where and how to live and what you will do for your whole life. It will be all laid out for you. You won't have to do anything except what you are told. A workers paradise. Does this sound familiar?

It's like the story about the frog that someone dropped into a tub of hot water. He jumped out immediately. The frog reacted to the hot water because instinctively he knew it was a flight situation. By the same token, when the frog was placed in a tub of cold water that was put on the fire, he swam around until he was cooked to perfection. He never noticed the water getting hotter until it was too late.

So, it is with the loss of our freedom of religion. Little by little they chip away at our foundation of beliefs. It is happening in our schools, government institutions, businesses and churches. Churches? You bet!!

Main stream church's are loosing people and to get them back they think they have to become more Politically Correct (PC). The intelligentsia of most main stream churches is dominated by the socialist left. The National Council of Churches is dominated by the socialist liberal left. They condemn the United States at every opportunity.

The Lutherans, Presbyterians, and I believe the Methodists have taken it upon themselves to condemn Israel for their security wall, and at the same time, made no mention of the Palestinian suicide killers that have murdered over a thousand Israeli women and children on buses, in restaurants and shopping malls. Chip - chip - chipping away.

The Episcopalians, as well as other denomination, are being fractured by the ordination of homosexuals. This is strictly forbidden by the scriptures, yet the churches, and their congregations, vote to let it happen. Not everyone, but a majority. Chip - chip.

Some state governments can't have a Christmas tree now, they have to have a Holiday Tree. Schools can't sing Silent Night, it has to be Cold Night. Teachers are forbidden to use the word Christmas in their class rooms in some school systems as it might be offensive to a secularist or some other religion.

It's high time to watch what is going on in our own back yards. The majority of citizens of this country are Christians of some kind, that is, their foundation beliefs are base on the God of Israel. Why is it we don't have a say in what goes on in our schools and government agencies? What ever happened to Majority rule and Minority right?

Oh, I forgot, the ACLU sued to have that overturned and turned around.

When did that happen? I don't know. It wasn't in the paper. I didn't see it on TV? Well then, I guess it didn't really happen - - - . True, it didn't, it's only a concept. But see how easy it would be.

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