Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Unbiased MSM?

I know that I have hit on this mob of left wing Marxist in the past, but this deal with the Iraqi voting tomorrow and the liberal socialists in the Congress targeting them and President Bush for defeat is beyond the pale.

Every time you hear an interview with a reporter from one of the major newspapers, the question of bias always comes up and the reporters always have a look of astonishment on their faces. 'You can't be talking about me. I am completely unbiased. I only report the news as it happens. I can't help it that so much of it is bad. I also can't help it that most of the news about the President is bad. The economy, the war, health care, unemployment and just about everything else about this administration is bad.'

The interviewer asks how they arrived at that conclusion when all of the facts don't support their view? ' I have my sources. I have been an investigative reporter for years and I have my professional credentials certified daily when my news paper publishes my work. News papers are, after all, information sources that takes the responsibility of gathering and reporting information that the public needs to make responsible decision. We are professionals in the business of what is news. We, as professionals journalists, have to determine each day what is the real news and then pass it on to the general public. How else will the public learn the truth?'

These information specialists think they have a lock on what the truth is. They are so sure they are right in their own opinion that they couldn't have any bias in there reporting. To question their integrity is to question their professionalism - unthinkable!

let's examine a little of that professionalism from the news in the last few days. Tookie Williams - a mass murder and souless killer that butchered four innocent people with a shot gun and then laughed while he did it. When ask to apologize to the relatives of the victims he said he didn't think it was necessary and he had no remorse for what he did.

But who has the huge head lines shouting about a system gone bad with the execution of Tookie Williams, a poet and author of children's books concerned only with keeping children out of gangs like his which he still supports and controls from prison. No mention of the murders, No mention of the victims, Just lots of pictures of Tookie and the drop-out hippies from the sixties that formed a cauldron around that prisons front gate, singing songs and smoking that forbidden weep.

Two thousand of these lost souls came together, supposedly, to celebrate the life of a mass killer and try and convince the governor of California to grant a stay for this monster, but I believe the real reason they are there is to celebrate the old days when socialist activism was a daily fair. Protest the war. Protest the government social programs that they rape to support themselves, and get front page coverage on every paper in the country. No wonder they are crying in their bongs and roach clips.

And of course the Hollywood pukes have to put in a showing as well. Joan Baez, Mike Farrell and Sean Penn and other low life dreamers that just can't stand not being close to the spot light. If there is a chance for these people to spout their socialist agenda of population control and dominance, they will do in spades. Standing up to defend convicted killers is one of the most important pillars of the Hollywood moonbat agenda. Liberals of any strip love this kind of thing to.

I believe that this tendency to control the lives of the lower beings by the Hollywood nut cases comes from being in the spot light to long and having people fall all over themselves just to get close to the 'Star'. They like that fawning, so why not have a whole country on there knees to them? I believe it's a sickness just like being a liberal Democrat, which,of course, they are.

Another case for the MSM bias is their reporting of the war. How many stories did they report on the progress of the Iraqi people in their struggle to rebuild their country? How many stories did they report on the new government and how the turn-out for their elections were unprecedented? How many positive stories have we seen on the up coming elections that said the Iraqi people are ready to vote in the millions? The answer you know ahead of time - " I don't remember seeing any". There must be some, but you will get eye strain looking for them.

There are some if you look close - about twenty percent are positive representations of actual events and the rest are about everything that goes wrong that can be blamed on the President. Some of the negative stories are fabricated by the media so they can make their point clear that things are going very wrong, but only in their diseased minds.

Of course the ones that are positive are not on the front page. They are buried in the cooking section or next to the comics that also slam the President. They also take the liberty of using out right lies to support their agenda. 'What do you mean, lies? I am a professional journalist, I just report the news!'

Tomorrow is the election in Iraq that the Iraqis have been waiting for since the 6th century. The middle east will never be the same. The purple finger of freedom will reign supreme and they did it despite the traitorous statements of political hacks in Congress like Reid, Schmuer, Leaky, Pelosi, Durbin, Kennedy, Biden, Murtha, Rockafeller and their alias in the main stream media.

When the major media news organizations start taking the talking points from the liberal socialist Democrats that are dancing at the end of the strings of the puppet masters, they are forfeiting any and all legitimate claim to being unbiased professional journalists.

They are just the front line troops of the far left socialists in this country that are invested in defeat and surrender. They have lost their credibility, their professionalism. They can never again claim the right to speak for the people of this country. That is one sad testimony for the main stream media in this country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with most everything that you say but are you a little over the top in this case? Can our media be that bad?