Friday, November 25, 2005

Multicluralism - Bah Humbug

Multiculturalism seems to be the coming trend in this country - the liberal elites us it as a form of equalizing the pressure of the on rushing of the new middle class; the hard working and loyal family man and woman that wants something better for themselves and their off spring other then servitude offered by the left, and the new immigrants that seem to not want to assimilate with the American idealism of all men created equal with freedom for and the pursuit of happiness.

I believe most of the immigrants that are in this country are family based and religious Christians which means they have a base of decency that is founded on laws that have been handed down from the earliest Christians. That is Christian values and morals.

It's estimated that there are over 10 million illegal immigrants in this country today and more arriving every day. Most of these are Spanish and Christian from Mexico. Most by far do not seek to do this country harm. Many speak mostly Spanish and little English, but you almost never hear of a protest march demanding more programs to make life easier for them. Every now and then there is some trouble in California, but that doesn't represent the majority.

The left wants to make sure that these people never get a chance to rise above the poverty level just like the choke hold that they have on the black community, because if they begin to have a sense of independence and demand their chance to make a life in this country and vote their conscience, the liberal Democrats are done.

The blacks are trying to get out from under the heel of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to make their presence felt in the community. It has always been amazing to me why the black community votes Democrat. What have they done for them? Why is it that a majority of successful blacks are Republicans and the struggling blacks are Democrats, not all, but most. It has been this way for decades.

Multiculturalism is just a tool that the left uses to created class warfare. Keep the Hispanics speaking Spanish and the blacks, gettospeak, so they can not assimilate and therefore never challenge the left elites for control of this country. The liberal agenda has always been to keep them down on welfare, and stupid, not attending school, and confused by listening to Jesse Jackson. The puppet masters believe If everyone speaks different languages, no one can communicate to try and get ahead. What a great way to get a class war going.

Look at what's happening in France and the Netherlands. Huge groups of ethnic Muslim youth that have never been allowed to be part of French society - the French did this on purpose. They gave them every opportunity to be anything but French.

It's a struggle that will last for something into the future here in America, but I believe the tide is turning in favor of the people. They are more in tune with what is important to the survival of this country. More and more people are tired of the continual drum beat of disinformation that the liberal media claims to be the news about how the lower classes, hard working ethnic people, are not part of the American experience. They are being left behind - baloney - These stories are fabrications. They are nothing but wedges that the liberals use to try and foster discontent in working American families of all ethnic groups.

The following is a short snippet from an article that was in the Weekly Standard by Leo McKinstry. As far as I'm concerned, this sums up what multiculturalism is to a tee:

As an ideology, multiculturalism is a corrupted form of Marxism in which race and nationality replace class. Like Marxism itself, it is an ideology that must be opposed if we are to preserve a country founded on the proposition that all men are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights.

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