Monday, November 28, 2005

Bush in Kyoto Japan

Go figure, Bush is not the bumbling goof that the left thinks he is. But as long as they, the liberal left, think is just a 'cowboy', they will always underestimate him and they will always come off looking like sour grapes, i.e., losers.

In Japan, he really laid it on the line. Of course it was mostly about how things that are changing in the Asian hemisphere or the Pacific Rim, if you will, and of the things that need to be changed in the future. China was the main topic here.

What a great speech. It was all about how China has to change to meet it's obligation to future generations and how it's people will, must, embrace democracy of some kind to realize their full potential. He held up Taiwan as a good example of a people who rose to their potential after generations of struggle building their own free and democratic society. China, I sure, did not find this to their liking.

No less important was the transformation of the Japanese, he proclaimed. He was explaining how the Japanese people have a democracy that is different but yet the basic foundation of human rights and freedom reigns supreme and that they will always have the support of the American government and a friend in the American people.

This speech was a high water mark of his Asian tour. We haven't heard to much about it in the lame-stream-media, so you know it was a success.

The speech told a lot about who Bush is in that he has not wavered from his agenda on freedom and democracy for all peoples and nations. World leaders need not try and second guess what he is about, they know by his consistent and hard driving beliefs that have propelled him to free 50 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It has not been easy or cheap but he saw what had to be done. He attacked!! He took the fight to the enemy. The terrorist understand who he is and they fear him. He is not afraid to handle the tough problem. He doesn't shrink from the responsibility of placing this country at risk to defend the principles that it was founded on. Strong leaders of this country have always risen to meet and defeat the enemy. But from our recent history of inaction and hand wringing, the terrorists didn't think we would do anything to defend our selves. President Bush proved they were dead wrong.

As long as America stands strong and fast to its ideals and beliefs in freedom and democracy for everyone, we will win the peace. But if we allow the naysayers and the weak-of-will to dominated with their agenda of isolation and defeatism, then we will lose the war for peace and security for our selves and future generations. There is no turning back the clock to a past time when everything seemed to be all sun shine and blue water. All that went away when the Dotcom bubble burst and the Twin Towers were turned into dust.

As the old saying goes and you know it's true, 'you can never go home'. President Bush is showing us the way, leading by example, so now all we have to do is follow. What a concept.

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