Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Liberals in Retreat

President Bush gave another great speech today at the Navel academy. He left no question as to what his plans are for the war in Iraq. He promised as long as he was Commander and Chief, we would not leave Iraq until we have complete victory over the terrorists. With force and conviction he once again explained what we have accomplished and what the future will be.

The Democrats hated the speech - the lame-stream-media was sure that he was going to set a schedule to withdraw the troops - how foolish of them - of course, they aren't used to dealing with a President that has values. I guess that's why they look so foolish so often. I think their managed news department needs to be reviewed.

When John Murtha gave his 'cut and run' speech, I wondered then what his purpose was, given that he knew, as well as anybody, that we are actually winning the war in Iraq.

I believe all of the loud mouthed liberals know exactly what is going on in that country and that is what is scaring them the most - they know that we are winning but their whole agenda is based on the premise that we have to lose the war and have the whole world look down on us as a corrupt super power that is out of control, just as John Kerry proclaimed before the 2004 elections that he lost. I can hear them now in one big booming voice ' see, we told you so'.

As I said yesterday, the liberal Democrats have no morals - they have no values to guide them. All they have is the guide book given to them by the puppet masters called, as you may remember from past posts, Demofantesy.

Really, as a guide it isn't much because the puppet masters still control everything that the Democrats do including what they say. If you look closely, you can see the string attached to their mouths as well as the the rest of their bodies. How else can one explain the stupid things that they say as they bounce around from one position to another.

Before the new assault by Bush, all Democrats, along with their media whores, proclaimed the war a failure. All those dead American boys for nothing. Bring them home now. All is lost. John Murtha was only the latest to make a fool of himself. Nancy Pelosi is also a gem.

Now they see it didn't work to destroy Bush by bringing the country to it's knees, they have proclaimed that they have always been for a just ending to the war. What?

John Kerry, of all people, attacked the president saying that he and many other senators have always supported the position that we had to gain a winning foothold in Iraq before we would start withdrawing the troops. Did you ever wonder where he got the nick name 'flipflop'. The liberal Democrats have no problem changing their position on any subject as the situation demands.

it's clear to me that the liberals see that the news of Iraqi successes in their economy, military, education and infrastructure can not be hidden from the general public now that the Bush administration in on the attack. False press releases and out and out lies by the Democrats have always worked before, but now the tide is turning, the liberal Democrats must dance to a different tune to meet the changing situation.

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