Friday, November 11, 2005

Bush Attacks - Finally

I believe President Bush gave one of his best speeches today while in Pennsylvania honoring the Vets on Veterans day. It was impassioned and to the point.

He told the terrorist that he won't ever give up until we have achieved total victory. He told the Democrats that they can't change history, they voted for the war and saying that they didn't won't change the fact, but it will send the wrong message to our enemies.

I have waited for this speech for a long time - Now I hope he will do it more often. He has to defend himself and his administration against the hateful attacks of the liberal left.

He is also responsible for protecting America against domestic terrorists like Harry Reid and Charles Rangel and Chuch Schumer. There are others but these guys are some of the worst and most dangerous. Ted Kennedy isn't far behind. If it weren't for happy hour, he would have joined them.

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