Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Where Are You Going?

There is a saying, a Proverb really, 'where there is no vision, the people parish'. Doesn't this sound like a lot of people in the news these days? They seem to have every excuse for not having an original idea about critical issues that plaque this country, but they are never short on reasons why someone else is not measuring up to their standards.

You have to ask yourself why it is so important for these empty people to tear down anyone that propose new and fresh ideas for the future. They are not part of the solution, they are the problem.

It seems they are blind to their own lack of courage and native intelligence or just plain common sense when they demand that this country not defending itself. Or why this country is wrong to think that it has a duty to defend freedom around the world.

When people reach out and ask, help us to gain our freedom, we do the best we can. But there are those that see this as none of our business. It is best to remain above the fray, they say, as thousands die at the hands of dictators and despots like Saddam Hussein.

I am always looking for an answer for the thought processes that these people have to rationalize their criticism of good people that are trying to make a difference.

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