Saturday, October 08, 2005

Let's switch gears now that it's Saturday and we can put aside the nonsense of political criminals and discuss the meaning of life - heh - in the immortal words of Monte Python " - - now a man with three buttocks".

The saying 'everyone wants to live a long time but no one wants to grow old' is the perfect summation of our lives from the time that we could understand that anyone over the age of thirty was old - I believe that started when I was in my late teens.

Things have changed some now that I am over 60, and I might add that it is for the better - the only regret is that I wish I would have had more smarts about life and living when I was younger. Is that hind sight? Of course it is and that's okay.

Oh boy, another little saying ' too soon old and too late smart' - Maybe it isn't the lack of smarts that I lament so much but being more aware of the world around me when growing up. I had no clue about what it took to really live a life, but I did know that I had to work to make a living. I needed new thinking.

We tend to be so focused on getting ahead and accumulating wealth and position that we didn't have time, or didn't take the time, to see what was important to enjoying life to it's fullest.

I know it's a mind set when you're young to do all the things that seem so important but I have always been amazed at how young people can't seem to take advice form those of us that have been down that rough road and want to help them avoid the pit falls along the way. They smile but it doesn't register.

Getting older and gaining maturity of body and mind is a beautiful thing. One of the most important things that you can do in your life, if you are one of those that is just starting to think about your future, hopefully people in their late twenties, before that the future is today, is to not be afraid of the aging process - it happens so seamlessly that when you arrive at the most mature stages of your life, it will seem like you haven't aged at all -

It is very important that to arrive at the most mentally productive stages in your life you need to have taken care of your body along the way - it won't do your mental state much good if your are locked into some bodily limitation that prevents you from enjoying every aspect of your ultimate maturity. That is you must make an effort to take care of your body so it will be in good operating condition as you grow in age. You must start as soon as possible to make this happen.

I also know that sometimes things go wrong and there isn't anything that we can do about it but these are just bump or chuck holes in the road that we have to get past so we can keep going. In biking racing when a large steep hill comes into view along the race course, I know that the pain will be extensive but I view it as a challenge, not an obstacle. It is something that I have to do and there is no way to get out of it - quitting or giving less than all that I have is not an option!

When it seems the hill is too steep that there just isn't anymore left to give you are surprised to find that there really is more - never give up the good fight. You will be rewarded over and over again as a result.

It might seems easy for me to make these statements now that I have arrived at this point in time, but I know from experience, i.e. maturity, what it takes to make it happen. I have written about this in past posts and I will continue in future ones because it is important to success in living and enjoying life.

By the way, I am still racing in road races and mountain bike races and kicking the butts of guys 20, 30 ,and 40 years younger than I am.

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