Monday, October 03, 2005

Poverty - I just read an interesting article on who is poor and who isn't - now we all think that the poor are those that don't have enough money but that isn't necessarily the truth. Many people that don't have enough money to get where they want to go are just that, poor in finances but they aren't stupid or lazy. They are struggling to get ahead but circumstances in there lives get in the way of success.

This person needs all of our help to over-come handy caps such a education and or training. If they have the tools to get ahead, they will be successful - they have the drive and work ethic but they need the opportunity.

Then there is the person that is a victim - you know what that is - that is the person that has no work ethic and has the liberal establishment in our society behind them to make sure that that person never has a job because he or she has problems that the rest of us have forced on them due to our greed and lack of empathy for the poor. We can't expect these people to rise up by hard work because they have suffered so much from racism at the hands of the Republicans over the years that they just can't be anything other than a slave. And they are, of course, told this over and over by the puppet masters in the Democratic party.

The Democratic Party has a definitive history of racism that started decades ago and is well documented but nobody cares about facts, the lame-stream-media makes sure that they print only those head lines that the puppet masters dictate and they do it willingly. Truth has nothing to do with the quest for power.

Don't you find it curious though that when the Democrats and the angry left shout about the racism of the conservatives, they are only trying to deflect the attention of the public away from themselves and their hatred of the poor and minorities. They have this down to a science and unfortunately, many people buy it hook, line and sinker!

The socialistic society that the liberals want us to live in and have been the driving force to make this happen in America in the last forty years, have no problem with making excuses for these people to make sure that they stay poor so they can use them as a voting block for the Democratic party.

The Democratics have always been the champions of welfare to help foster and perpetuate this victims class. People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, both black, lead the charge to keep the black community in poverty. They feel if they can keep them poor and stupid this will always be a sure thing in an election cycle.

Of course, Al and Jesse have gotten very rich doing this favor for the black community. The puppet masters have paid them well to be the Judas goats for the Marxist left and they do it willingly. These people have no soul - they are selling their own people into slavery again just as their tribal leaders did two hundred years ago in Africa.

The bottom line is when will the black community wake up to this travesty and throw the bums out - it won't happen unless they do it themselves.

There is light at the end of the tunnel though, more blacks voted this presidential election for Republicans then ever before. Maybe the tide is changing and Jesse will have to go back to selling snake oil at the county fair where he started years ago - his days as a shake-down artist will be over.

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