Monday, October 10, 2005

Nagin a Racist?

Mayor Ray Nagin stated that he didn't know what he was going to do with all of the Mexican works that were coming to help clean of the town. On the face of it, that statement doesn't sound like much, but the way he said it and given the state of PC that exists at the hands of the liberals, he should be in deep do. Of course, he is a liberal and they are racist in general so the media will make no comment. If that were a Republican that made a statement like that, all hell would have broken loose - Bennett?

It's like the statements that the liberals made when Rice was named Secretary of State - the media ran cartoons depicting her as a stereotypical 19th century black just out of the cotton fields with captions that made fun of the President with heavy racist overtones. No body cared -

Democrats are racist - they always have been so. They hate minorities, or anyone for that matter, that the liberals deem to be inferior to their self imposed surperior intellect - Nagin fits the mold - the puppet master insist on it!

And what about the police in New Orleans that beat the hell out of that homeless guy - the media is saying it wasn't the cops fault - they are under a lot of pressure - what?!

This shouldn't come as a surprise seeing that Nagin is in charge of these brown shirts. A Known criminal in charge of uniformed thugs. What a town - liberals all! - and they get a pass -what is up with that?

Just when you think these people in the media can't get worse, they do - there is no limit - I do not believe anything that is in the newspaper that is written by AP, UPI, Knight Ridder these days except the comics. Even there three of them take shots every now and then.

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