Sunday, May 28, 2023

Ol' Joe Might Not Debate The Republicans : It's About Fairness?

The voters are ready and willing to do whatever they are told by their ''betters'' in the Marxist collective. And they are seen as alert and aware of their surroundings? Nonsense! 

Even though they have nothing to vote for other than their collective hate for Republicans, they still march forward to make sure their personal lives can get increasingly worse and they will tell you they are more than happy to do so!

democraaat voters are okay with living in dumpsters or good cardboard boxes because it's their history whenever they are in power. When the Republicans are in power, they can move back into the light of day, out of the dumpster, but it doesn't make them happy as the habit of living in a sewer is all they know. 

They feel more secure in things they understand! Security is defined in the familiar!

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