Sunday, May 14, 2023

CNN Brings The Fox Into The Hen House? : Maybe, Maybe Not!

 The ''experts'' think this was a mistake and then other ''experts'' think maybe CNN had other intentions. But the bottom-line problem in all this is trying to figure out how diseased minds actually behave.

Trump gave them every reason to believe they were foolish to think they would win the debate or win over the crowd into believing he is a monster or something. 

Or they believed he would make himself look like the out of control fool all Marxist liberated democraaats think he is. Or they wanted Trump to come off strong and ready to lead the nation making Biiyden look even worse than he actually is if that was even possible, as they want to stop Biiyden running for president.

In any case, the Marxist are in total disarray as to projecting some kind of national strategy to win the highest seat in the government again. 

But to believe the liberated democrats have lost sight of their need to retain their hold on total power is foolish and dangerous. They are always in need for more power. It's their life's blood!!

There is nothing more important for democraaats than having total power for total control!

Donald Trump on CNN was a total smack down for him!

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