Wednesday, May 31, 2023

AG Garland Applies The Law According to What He Is Told! : Crime Does Pay!!

 This is true! Garland does apply the law evenly and without the fear of every having to explain why it's only among the Republicans and Conservatives. For everyone else, it's a game on free for all!

The real crime of the century! democraaats are in control!

The Debt Debate IS About Our Ability for democraaats To Steal More From Everyone!

 Why is it necessary to contumely bring up the nonsense about default on our obligations when it won't happen now if we allow the government to shut down. All necessary services will continue as usual like Social Security and Medicare. Everyone will be paid back pay etc. when the millions of employees laid off when the ''crisis'' is over.

It's just that a lot of the powerful in Washington will lose their control of the money supply and therefore not be able to keep stealing like they have been for years.

Never vote for more democraaats! Truly a real death sentence!

democraaat Joe Biiyden IS President Because FBI Director Lied!!

 And exactly what was the crime that was committed during the election back in 2016? It was grandma who did all of the bad things to everyone. She said she didn't care because she wanted the absolute power to crush the people who want to make sure she couldn't and wouldn't be able to do so much harm to mommy and daddy.

But not to worry baby doll about grandma as she is
protected by our government from ever having to say
she was sorry and pay for her crimes
against humanity by going to jail!
Christopher Wray says he knows nothing
 about anything!

Now Biiyden is explaining why it wasn't his fault
grandma is such a nasty person! It is the other nasty
person Wray of the FBI!

Why Has The FBI Become The Enemy of The People? : Who Voted For This?

People, this is not just a novel written to amuse and entertain, this is really happening in America. We all are at risk for believing in the individual freedom to choose, of being targeted as potential problems for our leadership in Washington and elsewhere, and therefore of being detained and jailed for that as a crime against the state.

Why is freedom seen as a crime against the state? Because The FBI and the Department of Justice, the DOJ, is no longer a part of our Constitution, they are now out in the open as a separate and dangerous institution controlled by people who no longer believe they are obligated to enforce the rules that protect the population at larger from evil doers. Rules that everyone else must follow in a civilized society if it is to remain civilized.

They believe they are above the law! They believe they are the law!

Why has it come to this point in time where the citizens
must fear their own government institutions? Who voted to
make this happen and who is responsible? 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The Director : Christopher Wray of The FBI Explains Treason!

 Please explain to us Wray why you believe what you and your friends have done in the FBI trying to overthrow the government of the United States is not treason?

Christopher! What have you done to us and our country??

And not just the FBI but the CIA, the
entire justice department and the Department 
of State as well!

Our New WOKE Society Leaves Out Quality of Merit! : What Happened to Common Sense?

 What we are seeing on a daily basis is a signal that our civil society is no longer real or qualifying as an organized society but just a bunch of rabble socialists herding the willingly weak and disorganized to do their bibbing to get and keep power.

And worse of course, millions are ready to be punched and kicked or what ever it takes to make them feel needed and wanted. Decades of this abuse has worked to corral these millions of voters to do what they are told, and they love the pain it brings is of no concern as they feel good about being loved even though the bruises do hurt for a long time.

Vote democraaat! Life is short and 
therefore will be getting shorter
very quickly!

The unqualified being led by a communist!! Always 
vote for more democraaats!

What the Hell Happened to The Old Days?

 What ever happened to the warriors of the past? Has the WOKE community driven them away triggering depression and high anxiety among the rank and file?

Goodness, America the weak and frail. Living for the minute takes persistent over building for the future generations to live the good life?

This is real leadership!? Maybe not but still it might be better
than what we have today.

Something is missing in our society. Maybe it's the 
ability to take command of your own life!

democraaats Set Records for Candidate Quality : Brilliant, Articulate and Clean!

 The question that was raised by the DNC chairman at an organizational meeting to layout strategy for the upcoming election push is, who can be run in 2024 that will have the same outstand qualities that are most famous candidates had in 2020 and 2022?

Brilliant and articulate. Out best effort since the election of
2020! And it was a landslide!

Just look at what we did in 2020 to make this man the leader
of the free world. democraaats moved the goal posts like
never before. Now we need to move them again but much
further this time. We need to set records to scare the voting
public like death is at their door if they don't do like we say!

Monday, May 29, 2023

Progress IS The Most Important Product In America! : What Is The WOKE Disease?

WOKE is the insane child with a diseased mind run amuck in a society that has no roots and no history to guide the believers sitting in the front pew of the apoplectic church of delusional betrayal and treachery.

This is impossible to define the transition.

No one can claim there is any definition to explain how
once sound minds can become totally diseased in such
a short period of time!

The insane are here and among us! They might look
like normal people but they aren't!

When The Country Is In Trouble, We Call On Those Who Understand The Problem!

 All across our history, when the country was in peril, good men and women took a stand to protect what we and they knew then and now what it will take to save the country for future generations to enjoy what we have now, today, the freedom to choose.

Failing in this task on our watch will result in future generations to curse us for not having the will and fortitude to do what we were charged according to our American legacy, take a stand for what we know is right and proper to save our God given rights and freedoms from those that seek to take them from us.

What Happened At The Border Will Happen With AI! : You Can't Hide!!

 If the predictions are correct and we don't any reason to believe that Elon Musk is lying, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will take us down roads of terror and destruction we can't even imagine if we allow it to run unobstructed.

If you ever had any doubts about just how bad AI can be, 
remember with Kamala in charge only the unimaginable
can and will happen.
Her legacy will be for all time a black mark on the 
country and democraaat female leadership.

Never Forget How We Got Here! : God Bless America and Her People!!

 If we fall asleep now, we will for all time curse ourselves in the dark of night for allowing it to happen on our watch!! Stand for America and it's founding for Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness!!

Here is the national anthem sung by the Kentucky All State Choir. This is just the best and the perfect way to start our honoring of all those who gave their last full measure in defense of America.

Enjoy your day in freedom and peace!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

3rd Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard ) At The Tomb! : We Are So Lucky!

 God Bless America and those that have given their last full measure so we all can live free! Honor those that are bigger than ourselves.

3rd Infantry Regiment - (The Old Guard)  May 24. 2019

Yesterday, torrential rain and drastic wind gusts overcame America’s most hallowed grounds. Visitors ran for cover. News media piled into vehicles together. The streets flooded. Trees as old as the cemetery itself broke at the trunk and came crashing down. But America's Regiment endured. They found low ground and held fast through the wind and the rain. Some had to be to ordered to stand down from planting flags, still determined to continue to honor the fallen.
During the storm, one of the most extraordinary displays of discipline and dedication to duty ever to be witnessed at Arlington National Cemetery was taking place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. With only a few watching from cover, a Tomb Sentinel approached the Unknowns with U.S. flags in hand. As thunder shook the ground and rains washed down without abandon, the Tomb Sentinel pierced through the elements with breath-taking precision. He knelt and placed the flags in honor of the Unknowns. For the select few who saw this moment, it was jaw-dropping. Humans have their limits, but The Old Guard has yet to meet theirs.

The Biiyden Disease of Incompetence is Infectious? : IT IS!! They Have No Choice!

Ol' Joe is living the good life! For more than 4 decades he has been in government employment and stealing the life out of anyone he comes into contact with, especially if they have a lot of money!

The question now is, is his disease of incompetence infectious?  It seems so as the democraaat caucus is totally corrupt. Every last democraaat is on board with the destruction of the Federalist, Federation States of America!

That is, they want to destroy the Constitution as written. They find it will not allow them to take control by force if necessary and have no one to stand in their collective way in the process.

They believe if they lie enough and long 
enough they will win the battle of fundamental
change that will make America economic
 slave country with Joe, Barrrack and their friends
 in charge.

Impossible! He has no mind to begin with and if you look
back at his history he was never on board with the founding
fathers. It was always about Joe and what he could have others
do for him to gain more money and power.

Ask Me No Questions and I Will Tell You No Lies!!

Ask a good democraaat, and there are some yet, those that have trued to being ''independent'', they will tell you their collective, formerly the ''party'' has become a nightmare of ''The Walking Dead''!

Remember that TV series was fashioned after the democraaat collective. It was a perfect example of how far the old party has degenerated into the radical far left-wing degenerates seeking only the power to make themselves richer and more powerful.

Truly, it is all about the power for control. They have been in congress for more than 80 years combined!! (Even for those who live in Jurassic Park!)

''Vote for us and we will do what's best for everyone! Trust us,
would we lie to you!''?

Ol' Joe Might Not Debate The Republicans : It's About Fairness?

The voters are ready and willing to do whatever they are told by their ''betters'' in the Marxist collective. And they are seen as alert and aware of their surroundings? Nonsense! 

Even though they have nothing to vote for other than their collective hate for Republicans, they still march forward to make sure their personal lives can get increasingly worse and they will tell you they are more than happy to do so!

democraaat voters are okay with living in dumpsters or good cardboard boxes because it's their history whenever they are in power. When the Republicans are in power, they can move back into the light of day, out of the dumpster, but it doesn't make them happy as the habit of living in a sewer is all they know. 

They feel more secure in things they understand! Security is defined in the familiar!

The democraaat Presidential Bench Is Wheeled Out! : Vote For Us!!

 Know this, literally nothing to see here, this is all they have to offer and yet millions will vote for them. No issues to help the country other they are doubling down on their failures, taking everything everyone has to make themselves richer and more powerful.

And it's said the voting public won't fall this nonsense, they are smarter than that.  This is criminal activity. 

But they always do. In a nationwide poll, Trump is only 4 points ahead of Biiyden and DeSantis is 3 points. How is that possible given the country is headed into the ditch?

The ''brain trust'' for the democraaats!
Always vote democraaat! Life has to get worse!

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Why Aren't There More Women (Transing) to Compete With Men?

This would be the ultimate test for the ''trans'' community to explain so we all can come to grips with the notion why men who deicide they are women so they can compete in women's sports is just a natural way of things.

But civil society doesn't buy into this insanity and has decided to explain the reasons why this is not a real acceptable thing after all but just demonstrated deviant behavior.

 But the results can be understood believing someone must have left the door to the asylum unlocked.

For those of us down here in the trenches, we need an
answer that can explain why we are told men can become
women just because they want to!!!

What Does An Anti-Trump Man Look Like? : A Woman?

 This is what a fool looks like and by any other name, Rob Reiner is not just a fool but a jack ass as well! I have other names for him, but this is family blog. My he rot in Hell's sewer.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Scottish Television Explains Who The (Trans) Criminals Actually Are! (Video)

 What a pleasant surprise it would be if we in America could actually have intelligent conversations on a subject that is demanded to be debatable. Insanity is not only in America but everywhere and corrupted.

The Transformation of Civil Society Is Nearly Complete! : One More Chance To Stop It Is Coming Soon!

And the beat goes on! The Majority of the population knows what is right but have a history of not being able to do the right thing at the right time. Life in America has been just to good and mostly easy making the decision to risk losing the good life fearful and therefore is postponed.

But when the lack of decisive action at the right time to take a stand for freedom and liberty when it's needed most only delays the enviable.

Standing on the sidelines as a national strategy for the
majority will not work to save the country from ideological
insurgencies. Make a stand for the rule of law!

And for the same reason the Marxist democraaats are all in
on gun control, they demand we all must allow our children
be converted to the communist ideology where the state
makes all the rules. They must have the power for control.

The Way Forward IS Clear, Conform of Die! : Fearing The Consequences Works!

The Marist liberated democraaats are in full flow as their time is drawing near to when they might lose the power for control. So, it's all hands-on deck to make the agenda and ideology of Marxist communism a reality in America.

The climate change deception is just one tool that the Marxist democraaats are using to force the unaware and ignorant to do their bidding. There are 10's of millions that are more than willing to accept the lie we all will die if we don't restrict our activities and give the Marxists more money for ''research'', as truth just to be able to not have to do any critical thinking on the matter. Just leave me alone!

But this is not new as it has been a force for decades in our country at all levels in our civil society, it's only now that the corruption has been manifested to ta point where the number of civil institutions and government departments that have been converted is nearly total.

The unelected criminals, in place for a lifetime, far outnumber the elected officials that are willing participates as ideological criminals in congress, passing themselves off as representatives of the people, which makes the problem extreme and therefore a national security crisis for us all!

If there was any opposition, it ended peacefully. The silence
everyone knows is deadly.

A Relationship Fostered In Hell! : America Suffers The Results!!

It's interesting in that they were made for each other and came to the same conclusion America is ready for their talents to become center stage making the fundamental changes foreseen by Barrrack and now that are in full force around the country.

The worst part is most of America's good citizens have no idea what's happening to them! Go along to get along until it's too late!

I wonder who voted for this and will vote again to ensure the final nail is in America's coffin!?

Bernie says it's okay, just relax and enjoy the ride! It's
just easier to acquiesce to my demands then to oppose
them as the consequences can and well be dire.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Everyone Has A Destiny : America's Constitution Guarantees It!

I know this seems to be over the top in many ways but it's the very base line of one's freedoms to do and be who and what ever someone wants to be. Just that many find this to be unacceptable is our freedom to not like it, but everyone has that Continual freedom no matter the situation.

God bless America! Please don't allow it to slip away because we fell asleep before we vote!

The Slide Into Oblivion Is Not Painless! : Many Are Just Weak AND Clueless!

Is life in America just too good? How many citizens have any idea of what it means to have the individual freedom to choose their own destinies? Live lives as they please? What does it mean to sleepwalk through life? Is there anything beyond the that little screen in your hand that's worth saving?

Remember, ''freedom means having nothing else to lose''!

Is this what we will need to find a solution to the nightmare we are all living in now? Or will the Republicans get their collective act together in time before the election in 2024 and win, to then make the changes needed to turn the country away from the abyss or all will be lost as the people will have to take charge!

Just think about that for just a few seconds and the consequences!

Always Vote for More democraaats : Our Country Isn't Totally Destroyed Yet!

 What exactly is the definition of disfunction? What exactly is happening on the national stage that shows just how corrupt our government is as we witness the people in charge are totally without merit or a sense of having personal integrity.

They are literally all motivated for personal gain. Thay are all criminals! The only exception here is Fetterman who has no idea why he even exists let alone be a senator.

Always remember to vote for more democraaats like these below.

Always vote democraaat as living in a dumpster
isn't so bad once you get used to the climate!!

This man needs to be institutionalized! And if the truth be
known, nearly all democraaats in our government need
the same treatment!

There Is No Place to Hide From Gas Stove Attacks : Biiyden's Goons Are Here!

  Just one the example of how the government was constructed under Marxist liberated democraaat control. Granholm has no experience in energy production or what future needs of the country are most pressing. 

She is totally just a place holder that is dedicated to doing what she is told to do and say. Another willing Marxist hack in embeds the administrations leadership criminals.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Welcome to Maine : Visit But Don't Stay!

It's true when they tell you your welcome to visit but please don't stay. Been there and understood the attitude. 'We don't want to pollute the population with fresh thoughts and actions that might improve the living conditions in our state. We like to say the way it is!'

Little wonder the state is understood to be a nice place to visit
but once there find they really don't want to stay! (Besides they
talk funny!)

Headlines Are Indicators of Decline In Civil Society!!??

 Goodness, why do they actually do this? Is it so we all can understand our society is gone nuts?