Monday, December 06, 2021

The Fau Ci Delivers ''Just In Time'' For Christmas : Lock-Downs AND Pfizer Says Merry Christmas!

 And of course, The Fau Ci gets even richer! Boosters and more Busters. More and more variants! Death and destruction is everywhere! Run for your lives!

The Fau Ci knows how the government works after more than 45 years of sucking on the federal tit, the single highest paid government employee in government runs the show like he is and has always been under orders to make sure the right outcomes come about. 

How come? That He is a good and loyal Marxist Liberated democraaat? What other answer can there be?

The Swine flu pandemic? during Barrrack's administration saw no concern from the CDC or Fac Ci's NIH. How Come? No one cared. It was just another flu bug. Barrrack never even mentioned it until after more than 6 months had passed. Why? The Fau Ci was busy doing gun control and Barrrack is a democraaat.

No matter what is said about this ''New'' variant from doctors
in South Africa that it is so mild it's like a head cold. But The Fau Ci
and the Liberated Marxist democraaats demand everyone run in 
fear of death and destruction, again!!

Truly, our government is the enemy of the people.
They want harm to come to all the people if their 
demands aren't met! The government has spoken!!

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