Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Marxist democraaats New Identity : The Old ''Free Speech AND Love'' Now Is Gone!!

 Again, it's the new norm where everyone must obey or be canceled from the new civil society constructed specially to reward obedience or assign penalties for disobedience. You are no longer a free person but ward of the state where you are assigned a duty to preform to help the established greater good.

And of course, the greater good is getting and keeping the powerful secure.

The Marxist ideology as founded, and Stalin loved this, ''To each according to ones needs and from each according to one's abilities''. This is basically the ideology of the New Liberated Marxist democraaat Collective, formerly the democraaat party.

Being communist in the old days was a must or
one couldn't wear a beard. Now the communists wear 
beards and man buns!

Now it's the new and shortended verison of being 
communist, ''The Wokers'' is all the rage!

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