Monday, December 27, 2021

Biiyden Demands Santa Gives Nothing to Manchin! : Why? Manchin Said NOPE To Tyranny!

What a sad situation where only one man in an entire group law makers of 100's that has the balls, that has the moral and ethical backbone to take a stand against the tyranny of Marxist liberated democraaats who want to fundamentally destroy the American dream just to get and keep perpetual power to control all outcomes. 

The Liberated Marist democraaats believe they cannot be stopped!!!

 Is Manchin the only person to tell the Marxist, the new communists collective, they are wrong and how bad the Build Back Better bill really is for all Americans, and he will not vote for it!? 

Who the hell voted for any of the Marxist democraaats?? They're all Marxists!!!!

Marxism is on the move to enslave the population.

This man said he will not vote for anything that will
destroy America and the American dream of life,
liberty and individual freedom!

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