Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Brain-Dead Marxist democraaats : Racists Telling Others They Are Racist!!!

 The level of corruption of life is unapparelled among the brain-dead lunatic mutants in the Marxist Liberated democraaat Collective. And what is disturbing is millions are allowing it to happen without a second thought. This includes huge corporation like Coke and Major League Baseball.

What does this say about the susceptibility of the general public to become easily enslaved? Just think about all the people that are now enslaved to The Fau Ci and his friends in the Chinese communist party who have demanded everyone run and hide from the corona virus flu that has been around for generations and they did as they were told?

Just take a minute and reflect on what has transpired over the last two years and then decide it was a good thing.

The level of racism and staggering hateful ignorance
is beyond anything we as 
common citizens could have possibly have
 imagined only two years ago!

The true face of The New Liberated Marxist
democraaat Collective''! The old democraaat party 
is gone!!

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