Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Sotomayor IS ''The Wise Latina'' Justice! : The High Court Is Her Theifdom!

Sonya Sotomayor is, according to Rush Limbaugh ''The wise Latina'' on the Supreme Court. But her major drawback is she is a willing democraaat sycophant who is unafraid to admit she has no intention of understanding the Constitution or what it might mean to her job to interpret it's meaning to rule on legislation coming from the congress.

Her job as a democraaat is to do what she is told and no more. Individual thought is out of the question. Her job is to steal as much liberty and individual freedom as possible and reward those that have intention to steal them.

Her corruption is obvious and complete. It's in the DNA of 
all democraaats. An abuse of power to gain control.

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