Friday, December 03, 2021

Racism Is Explained: It is and as It must Be? There Is No Debate!

 Racism is a catch all for whatever and whenever the New Liberated Marxist democraaat Collective wants to express their displeasure with the opposition asking questions about what they are doing to people who know they aren't racist. This is unacceptable and as a result these people must be burned out and looted of any freedom or liberty they think they have.

An entire organization, BLM dedicated to the destruction of
freedom and liberty and supported by millions of civil
citizens who believe they are personally not guilty of
anything like racism, both white and black, but afraid to say so.

WOW! This is all about BLM and their friends who keep telling 
us it's all about the white supremist stealing our freedom except
the haters can't find any, only black haters taking orders from
their BLM betters!!

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