Saturday, May 08, 2021

Wearing Masks In Your Car? Outside? : Hollywood Liberals Scripted Insanity!

 What we have now have taking over the movie industry is just a rampage of mentally deranged and political sycophants willing to do and say anything they are told to say. It's so easy for them because their entire lives are in a script someone wrote for them.

But why do so many among us listen the actors as experts?

And who is standing center stage with the progressive 
socialist Marxist democraaats demanding fear 
is the new norm?

What remains to be seen is how the general public will  react
to the new look of this industry producing nothing the public 
actually wants to see!!!

And now with Disney becoming just a mouth piece for the
Chinese communist party, not much is left for the rest of us
who expected historically good content. Now it seems Bambi, fantasia 
and Dumbo the Elephant is racist!?

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