Sunday, May 16, 2021

Oh No! Our Pandemic Is Over? : Quick, Which One Is Next? (Back to The Russians?)

 ''Back to the Past'' Go with what works! As always it seems we go from one panic to the next without let up and it's never about what is really happening but some kind of managed news media dreams up and then basted out the public. And it's the ''seriousness of the charge'' that drives the narrative from the progressive Marxist democraaats, the facts are of no concern as most often there never are any facts.

(And one has to wonder about the pipeline shutdown by the Russians. Remember all of the charges against the Russians hacking of into our politics and collusion when Trump was President and it was all false!!?? Now we are to believe it was the Russians again!!!!????)

What a great run that was, we fooled them for a whole
year and wrecked the American way of life to boot! But damnit, no
brass ring! Time to release the next panic story! The media is more
then ready to meet the challenge

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