Monday, May 17, 2021

Harris, ''Brighter Days Are Ahead : What Does That Mean? : More Terrorist She Can Set Free?!

It means once the major cities are on fire again, the sky will be much lighter so the looters will have a better chances to steal your stuff and the terrorist liberal democraaats will have some gasoline to get from one city to another to loot, burn, kill and destory our way of life. 

It's just their nature to destory other peoples lives to benefit their own! It's just who the are and always will be.

It's a good time to understand this truth before the next election as it might be our last!

Harris, "I don't get it? So what if there isn't any gas! I've
never needed it!

As if she any clue what the hell she is look at other then ''those
poor fools that actually voted for us! I'll screw them like
I screwed Willy Brown!'' What a hoot!

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