Wednesday, May 19, 2021

''The Fauci'' Demands Mask Wearing! : He's Wrong! Masks Off and Smile Again!!!

 ''The Fauci'' believes many people now believe it is safe to resume life and living. The fear is not controlling the reality that wearing masks is far worse for us then not wearing them. People are taking control of the narrative and pushing back against the criminals in Washington.

But just imagine the disaster that our future will be like when many among us refuse to show their faces in public because they are afraid to look someone in the eye they meet and offer a smile in greeting!!!!!

The demand to continue to wear face coverings is in deed criminal now and from it's inception!! This is only a tool by the progressive democraaats for taking control of the population.

''The Fauci'' not only lied last year about the pandemic demanding masks and social distancing for 15 days to ''flatten the curve'' on the spread of the Wuhan Chinese flu, but he lied about his real reasons for doing it, it was only to gain power and influence over others. (He also had orders to never allow a crisis go to waste!)

The Fauci is a life long progressive democraaat for more the 50 years in the government bureaucracy much like Joe Biden. Little wonder they are both mentally incompetent!

He's a weak man and he is controlled by others who want to take advantage of us and our needs for a comradery within our civil society. Covering our faces divide us and drives us into a dark and lonely corner where is no escape, leaving only a crushing fear of the future.

Hiding our faces from each other like The Fauci demands is to divide us with the fear of being human.

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