Thursday, May 20, 2021

Biden Was Not Really Elected! : It Was Just A Bad Joke! A Disease Is Not Funny!

 I wonder who's laughing today who voted for Ol' Joe as he country slides into a progressive socialist Marxist hell of chaos and total corruption of the American dream? 

Nobody would willingly vote for a puppet, right? But a joke is free game!? But when the joke becomes a realty, then the laughter ends and the weeping begins! 

It's so depressing that so many among us have no idea who they voted for and why and will again no matter how bad the circumstances. Progressive socialism, Marxism is a disease from which there is nearly no cure and effects millions of our population! Most do not realize they are being controlled by this disease.

Once the disease has taken hold, all ability to perform tasks requiring common sense and logic are found to be non-existent. 

Medial experts recognize it a a server form of insanity that unaffected individuals find very unsettling,  disturbing to the general civil society and potentially destructive to our national security if allowed to go unrestricted. Experts have worked tirelessly to find the origins of this horrible debilitating disease and why it's so invasive, effecting so many and so apparently easily.

Biden and the Marxists have plans for all of us
that they must complete before 2022 which includes
a total fundamental destruction of America as founded!

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