Sunday, February 02, 2020

Life and Living Without Meaning for The Young! : Mental Enslavement by Progressives!

From the beginning, students of life and living are taught
to do what they are told and what they see 
on their smart phones!
Can it be that simple to explain the lack of meaning in so many lives boils down to a lack of self worth resulting from a lack of leadership and believing in something larger then ourselves?

A faith in believing there is someone that is the way, the truth and the life ready to help in the times of trouble.

But conventional wisdom now to find real meaning, we must turn to collectivism, progressive liberal socialism as dictated by the "New Wave" ideology where life can only be successful if the individual, as compared to the collective, is no longer seen as useful for prosperity and success. 

The individual is out of control and certain failure will follow.

Cast aside your ego and pride in a job well done. "You didn't build that!" explained the socialists. Come join the larger village of people that depend on the many for your personal security and fulfilment. Don't be left out trying to try and succeed on your own.

Truly it is that simple! And the ''smart phone'' is now one of the major factors in bringing the collective to control all aspect of life from just a 3X5 screen that glows in the dark to bring you comfort and security.

The human condition, from it's very remote beginning, was founded on the individual being resourceful and innovative. Take away these essential items for survival leaves only the collective that doesn't know you even exist!

Living on your knees isn't so bad after you get use to having others tell you how to live. The collective life without responsibility or purpose is very rewarding. Try it, you'll like!

Leftist Values Are Causing Young Americans to Be Miserable
Dennis Prager / /

I began part one of “Why Are So Many Young People Unhappy?” with data showing the apparently unprecedentedly high rate of unhappiness among young people in America (and elsewhere, but I am focusing on America). The rates of suicide, self-injury, depression, mass shootings, and loneliness (at all ages) are higher than ever recorded.

It seems that Americans may have been happier, and certainly less lonely, during the Great Depression and World War II than today, even with today’s unprecedentedly high levels of health, longevity, education, and material well-being.

There is, of course, no single explanation, and I listed a number of possible explanations:

'Increased use of illicit drugs and prescription drug abuse, and less human interaction because of constant cellphone use are two widely offered, valid explanations. Less valid explanations include competition, grades anxiety, capitalism, and income inequality. And then there are young people’s fears that because of global warming, they have a bleak, and perhaps no, future.'

But I do believe that a loss of values and meaning are the two greatest sources of unhappiness.

Among the values lost are those of communal associations. As the great foreign observer of early American life Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in 1831, Americans’ unique strength derived largely from their participation in innumerable nongovernmental associations—professional, social, civil, political, artistic, philanthropic, and, of course, religious.

But these have all dwindled as government has become ever larger. Whereas Americans got together and formed bonds of friendship through nongovernmental associations, through what organizations will Americans form friendships today?

In a video presentation at its 2012 national convention, the Democratic Party offered its answer: “Government’s the only thing that we all belong to,” the narrator said.

Then there are traditional middle-class values, like getting married first and then having children.
Today, a greater percentage of Americans are born to unwed mothers than ever before, and fewer people are marrying than ever before. There are, for the first time in our history, more single Americans than married Americans.

While it is certainly possible to feel lonely in a marriage, people are far more likely to feel lonely without a spouse, and increasingly without children, than with a spouse and children.

And now we come to the biggest problem of all: the lack of meaning.

Aside from food, the greatest human need is meaning. I owe this insight to Viktor Frankl and his classic work “Man’s Search for Meaning,” which I first read in high school and which influenced me more than any book other than the Bible.

Karl Marx saw man as primarily motivated by economics; Sigmund Freud saw man as primarily driven by the sexual drive; Charles Darwin, or at least his followers, sees us as primarily driven by biology.

But Frankl was right. As regards economics, poor people who have meaning can be happy, but wealthy people who lack meaning cannot be.

As regards sex, people who do not have a sexual life (such as priests, who keep their vow of chastity; many widowed and divorced older people; and others) but have meaning can be happy. Sexually active people who do not have meaning cannot be.

As regards biology, there is no evolutionary explanation for the need for meaning. Every creature except the human being does fine without meaning.

And nothing has given Americans—or any other people, for that matter—as much meaning as religion. But since World War II, God and religion have been relegated to the dustbin of history.

The result? More than a third of Americans born after 1980 affiliate with no religion. This is unprecedented in American history; until this generation, the vast majority of Americans have been religious.

Maybe, just maybe, the death of religion—the greatest provider of meaning, while certainly not the only—is the single biggest factor in the increasing sadness and loneliness among Americans (and so many others).

A 2016 study published in the American Medical Association JAMA Psychiatry journal found that American women who attended a religious service at least once a week were five times less likely to commit suicide. Common sense suggests the same is true of men.

The bottom line: The reason so many young people are depressed, unhappy, and angry is the left has told them that God and Judeo-Christian religions are nonsense; their country is largely evil; their past is deplorable; and their future is hopeless.

That seems to be a major reason, if not the reason, for so much unhappiness: not capitalism, not inequality, not patriarchy, sexism, racism, homophobia, or xenophobia but rather having no religion, no God, no spouse, no community, no country to believe in, and, ultimately, no meaning. That explains much of the unprecedented unhappiness.

And it explains the widespread adoption of that secular substitute for traditional religion: leftism. But unlike Judaism and Christianity, leftism does not bring its adherents happiness.


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