Sunday, February 16, 2020

AG Says John Brennan Scrutinized : What Me Worry? "I Have Only Love And Charity In My Heart"

Hear ye, hear ye all those that must come to heel as the masters of the larger democrat universe of leadership is before you. Remember speak only when told and sit only as commanded to do so. All hail the masters of the universe, Nancy, (Wind tunnel) Pelosi, Jerry, (The Round Mound), Nadler and Adam,(The Shifty Shit)Schiff. 

Now we will hear from the principle activist of the failed coup to over-throw the government of the United States, John(Black Jack)Brennan to detail our next adventure in love and charity for the people of this once great country.

John Brennan with love and charity in his heart for the American people,
 arrives at a meeting of the smartest people in the democrat caucus. 

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