Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ogbjmma Under Investigation? : When Did He Know? Why Did He Know?

The question that seems to be lost here is where did this money come from and why is it that Trump can't find two nickels to rub together to build the wall on our southern border for national securty reasons????

Actually, the answer is simple. The government is totally controlled by progressive liberal  democats, inside and out.  Warriors that are imbedded in all government agencies, departments and every media outlet. 

There are thousands in government ready and willing to perform when called on to destroy any opposition to the progressive agenda and their ''Fundamental'' ideology that Barrrack promised in 2008!

Note : (If you haven't read the latest ''Limbaugh Letter'' on how Barrrrack was and is instrumental in fomenting the criminal attacks on the Trump administration every since 2015, you should find a copy and become informed.)

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