Friday, February 28, 2020

Sanctuary Status Discussed In Arizona : Why Area Voted It Out! (Podcast)

This is one of most important subject in our debates for president now on going. Illegal immigration.

 Everyone has staked out a position, one for common sense and the law while the other is based on an ideology for the power to control  all outcomes.

Providing sanctuary for people that are breaking the law is not common sense.

This podcast covers a lot of ground that is common sense.

Arizona GOP Leader Explains Why Area Voted Against Sanctuary Status
Rachel del Guidice / /

When talking about the immigration issue, more focus is often given to those coming into the country illegally, while citizens who live in border towns and cities are more often left out of the conversation. On today’s podcast, I speak with Chris King, the first vice chairman of the Pima County Republican Party, who talks about what it’s like to live in a border area, and why Pima County voted not to become a sanctuary city. Listen to our interview on the podcast, or read the lightly edited transcript below:

Podcast :

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