Monday, February 10, 2020

democrats Never lose An Election : It Can only be Stolen From Them!

The impeachment train has left the tracks for gravel roads. Destinations unknown! But pay no attention to that, keep the peddle to the mental. democrats are revealing to the nation that they have no intention of joining the debate for the heart and sole of America providing issues and agendas that will benefit everyone.

And so no one confused as to who the are and really always have been, they are telling all of us how they are totally ready and willing to destory the entire country to regain the power for control and by any means necessary!

There are no limits, now or in the future to what the democrats will do to win the next election and all those in the future. Even if they win, the hate will not end. There is no such thing as hating the opposition less!

democrats don't lose election by the way, the are only temporarily out of power until they can destory the opposition and get back the power that is their birth right!

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