Monday, February 03, 2020

Bernie Is Serious For Socialism's Reawakening? : Maybe Not! Bernie Has Other Plans for America?

Bernie has the Iowa democrats falling in line to make him the front runner ahead of the other progressive socialist democrats now listed for the nomination. Bernie has always been a good socialist, if not a neo-communist who seeks control of the population from an all powerful centralized authoritarian government. Bernie makes no excuses for his stand for total control of all resources.

Bernie believes the Marxist motto where the productive must take care of the unproductive : Marx said ''To each according to ones need and From each according to ones ability''. The unproductive workers are the ultimate goal that will keep the socialists in power.

No? Free higher education? Medicare for all? Climate change, Green New Deal, demands for total reduction in fossil energy before the world ends in 10 years.

When asked what this will all cost, he replied he didn't know and he doesn't care as his followers are not concerned about who will pay. They know who will pay and it will be everyone including the Bernie supporters. But the Bernie supporter think they will escape the economic catastrophe.

One of the estimates of what all of these socialist dreams of ''equality'' was around 100 $trillion dollars over 10 years. Do you know what a $trillion dollars is?

Given the total assessed tax revenue for one year is less then 4 $trillion, it doesn't make much sense to believe Bernie is serious. If so, what are his real plans for America?

Bernie is serious? Not really.  He has plans that don't include
individual freedom and liberty. 

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