Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Paul Krugman - Economists? For New York Times? : But Wait, He's A democrat, A Fake Person!

This man is a total imbecilic, stupid and blithering idiot, a total lunatic. He has a history of being wrong on every issue he claims to have knowledge of. But don't worry, his job is secure, and he is never in doubt about his intelligence. He explains this every time he speaks or writes a word.

Little wonder then he works for the New York Times, the once proud Gray Lady that is now nothing more then a tow-bit whore for the the progressive socialist liberal democrats.

And if it's just enough to know he is an progressive disciple of ignorance, a democrat, the Nobel Prize committee gave him the award for his outstanding work on the economics of the day. A staggering profile of ignorance and bias of the Nobel committee members.

Need more proof as to just how off base, unethical, immoral the Nobel Prize people are and in the tank for socialist depravity, they gave a Nobel Peace Prize to Barrrrack after only two months in office as president.

Explain that to the neighbors at the next neighborhood bar-b-que with out having a fist fight. The real hard part is how to explain this to the grand kids that makes sense other then to tell them never vote democrat!!!

Economist? He's a democrat! He's fake news! A fake person!

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