Friday, June 14, 2019

Bernie Says He Has A Free Lunch For Everyone : Denmark Proves He's Lying!!

Reality is a reoccurring event when things become untenable. But for many citizens there is no reality to be seen or heard, only political rhetoric of past failed socialist promises and new future benefits if the citizens will vote to make it happen.

Bernie Sanders promises everything will be free, someone else will pay. The twenty two democrat  candidates for president all promise free stuff to make life easy and rewarding. 

Even when the free stuff never happens, millions of the delusional people still hope for the best and vote democrat. Of course, their hopes are dashed year after year and still they vote the same way.

Socialism Is A Losing Proposition!

Touted as having the happiest people in the Western World. Think Again!  Here's the words of a teacher in Denmark pointing out the reality of Crazy Bernie and other socialist Democrat statements that America could be such a wonderful socialist country

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