Sunday, June 30, 2019

How Many Americans Are There? : The Census Doesn't Care!

It really is about common sense but then being a progressive socialsit liberal democrat has nothing to do with common sense. They know what common sense is but they also know it won't work to advance their agenda and ideology. Kind of a ''catch 22'' situation.

What went on during the liberal democrat debates leaves little to wonder just what they intend for those of us down here in the trenchs. What we have worked for all of our lives, the democrat want to give it away for just votes.

And that there are judges that are knowingly and willingly ready to subvert the law of common sense to support their agenda is very disturbing and frightening, and yet with more then 75% of all federal judges advocating progressive socialism as an ideology, this action on the census is not a surprise.

To bring our country back to some sort of common sense standing, never vote democrat again. It truly is about stopping he chaos, conflict and criminal subversion of our civil society just to gain an advantage for control.

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