Monday, June 17, 2019

Guilty, But Maybe Not : Innocent But Guilty Anyway!

The idiot next door is a danger to himself and others. What we need now is to get rid of common sense and logical effort to save our country and return to what has transpired over 8 years of abject criminal negligence of progressive socialist liberal democrat brain trust. A failure to deliverer.

Failure is so much fun especially when there are so many idiots that believe liberal democrats will take care of them. All that's required for the easy life they said was to vote for them. And they believed and voted twice for failure.

Barrrack didn't lie, did he? Hey, "He's The One!" Remember, "He's the one we have been waiting for". Take a knee! Kiss the ring! All is well now!!

Now, just take a minute and think about what would have happened to our country if Hillary had become president of the United States!!!

Goodness, never vote democrat again! They are not like real people. They are fakes!

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