Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Debate For Survival : Free Markets or socialism?

Here again, this makes a lot of sense in a logical discussion. But it is impossible;e to debate the principle motivations for socialism. A life free from responsibilities as against having to work hard for success is hard to convince people that have never worked in their lives.

democrats believe socialism will deliver equality of outcomes. It is
where everyone suffers failure equally.

Hollywood actors rally for socialism from behind their gated
and walled communities. Armed guards stand ready 
to protect them from the little people.
When everything is free, is makes good sense to try and destroy anyone that will make you go to work and actually earn what you want. And when you are told on a daily basis you deserve what ever you want from others is your right in America as you are a victim of a corrupt system, powerless to live the good life like other citizens.

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