Saturday, February 23, 2019

America Is Great : Having to Hire People to attack You? What?

This could be the single most important illustration of just how lucky we are to be living in America. And why the porgressive socialsit liberal democrats hate this country. No matter how hard their hate is for this country, for it's freedoms and rule of law, they can't seem to come to grips with the reality of America is not socialist. 

Americans are all about the pursuit of happiness through hard work. Self made prosperity.

American is all about individual freedom and liberty. Not a socialist dictatorship based on the greed for power. Still there are millions that think if they an make a fundamental change to our civil society, driving America into ruin, they will profit some how.

Never vote for self destruction. Never vote democrat. That's accepting the democrat narrative that the average citizen is unable to think and act for themselves. They need to be led.  Don't let that happen to you and your family.

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