Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bernie Says He Is ''The One'' Now : Life Is Good and Free!

This is epic! It's the race to the bottom for the progressive socialists. The race is to see who can demand more from the American public but deliver even less on their promises then they have in the past but still get the results they want.

They advocate a total collapse of the American civil society as founded. Socialism's distribution of wealth is more fair then the selfness and personal greed of capitalism. 

democrat designed socialism cannot survive while people are free to make their own decisions, the very basis of capitalism. The freedom to chose personal outcomes.

In the place the freedom to chose that was the American dream of individual freedom and liberty as guaranteed by our Constitution, of course, will be an all powerful centralized authority dictating life outcomes for everyone. You WILL like it!

All that will be required will be obedience and capitulation to being no better than anyone else. How bad can that be, right? Millions are already on their collective knees and apparently enjoying it.


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