Saturday, February 16, 2019

democrats' Bigotry : Not In White Sheet Now but The Message Is The Same

These individuals in Virginia are not outliers in the contemptuous climate of politics in that great state. This is the very bedrock of progressive liberal socialism that is being passed off as just political activism. 

democrats are reenacting their collective history from the twentieth century when burning crosses and lynchings were a fun activity. This is truly when the democrat party really took hold. Marching around in white sheets chanting 'we will over come'.  

Exactly what has changed except that it was called a ''party'' back then but now a ''collective''.

This is treachery at it's worst. The media and their bootlicks, the socialist democrats are passing this off as the ''new wave'' morality. Nothing to see here, but look over there, Our President is tweeting bad stuff about our fellows in the socialist collective. Absolutely horrible! Disgraceful!

You can run from history of the old democrats party activities, but you can't
hide from the reality of who you really are.

democrats assembled to vote on who to run for president.

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