Saturday, February 23, 2019

Actors Following The Script : Pawns Enter Center Stage

The acting was superb, the script well written but the performances
were not convincing. How could they be, they are all democrats.

After all, for progressive socialist democrats hate is all about the script that's written by their betters, but sometimes they become overwhelmed with their anger and frustration for not being focused enough on the destruction of Donald Trump.

So they strike out on their own to bring justice against their oppressors. But in the process they demonstrate for all to see how they have become totally unhinged, mentally diseased, uncontrollably depraved.

What is it about hate that drives them to do things that are criminally amoral?

But for the diseased lunatics running wild in the streets, as they are, the media is ready to deny everything that they have seen and heard, but blaming it all on President Trump.

Really! They blame Trump for democrats and their surrogates becoming neurologically debased and therefore a danger to themselves and others. That why the democrats must stop Trump before he completely drives the entire  democrat collective into the hands of medical experts.

Even worse, millions are easily duped into believing ! But here's something you can believe as fact, never vote democrat ever again.

The script was bad and he execution abysmal. Two bit actors failing on the big stage.

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